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Asthma Treatment



(includes free private prescription)


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Quantity Ventolin 200 mg
1 inhaler £18.95
2 inhalers £19.95

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in 3 easy steps

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What is a Ventolin asthma inhaler?

The active ingredient in Ventolin is Salbutamol. Salbutamol is part of a group of medicines abbreviated as SABA. Ventolin acts to activate receptors in the airways to expand them, and make it easier to breath. It helps to relieve symptoms of an asthma attack or where breathing has become difficult.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a common condition involving the airways and produces symptoms related to difficulty breathing, such as shortness of breath, tightness in the chest and wheezing.

Asthma is caused by inflammation of the airways, making it difficult for air to pass through and for you to breathe normally.

Controlling Your Symptoms

Ventolin acts very quickly and therefore is perfect at relieving your immediate symptoms of shortness of breath. However, unless the underlying inflammation causing your symptoms is treated, your shortness of breath will return. If you suffer from symptoms regularly, or you have to use more than one inhaler per month it is important that you talk to your doctor about how to prevent asthma symptoms.

How to use a Ventolin Inhaler

The patient information leaflet explains how to use the Ventolin Inhaler. Click here to open it.

The side effects of Ventolin are usually mild, and only last for a short time. They may include:an increased heart rate, palpitations, and muscle tremor (shaking hands).

It is important to note however that the side effects are considerably less severe than suffering an asthma attack, so it is important to use the medicine in the correct way.

Click here for a patient information leaflet on Ventolin..