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Morning-After Pill Treatment



(includes free private prescription)


Our Prices

Quantity Levonorgestrel 1500mcg Levonorgestrel
1 £21.95

Prescription medication
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How should I take this medicine?

This medicine should be taken as soon as possible after you have unprotected sex. The morning after pill is not 100% effective at preventing pregnancy, and the rate of effectiveness decreases as time increases.

What is the difference between Levonelle and Levonorgestrel

The active ingredient in Levonelle is the drug Levonorgestrel. Levonelle is a branded medication, whereas Levonorgestrel is a generic medication. They both work in exactly the same ways, except that the generic Levonorgestrel offers a cheaper alternative for the same effect. They are both equally effective as each other. Click here for more information on branded and generic medicines.

Who should not take this medicine?

If you have had unprotected sex more than 72 hours ago, this medicine is not suitable as an effective contraception method. We advise you to visit your GP or a family planning clinic as soon as possible if you have had unprotected sex more than 72 hours ago.

The most common side effect is nausea and vomiting.

If you are sick within three hours of taking the morning after pill it is not effective as it may not have been absorbed by the body. In such an instance you will require a second dose of the morning after pill.

Please click here for a patient information leaflet on Levonorgestrel.

An alternative to the Morning After Pill is a Copper IUD, also referred to as ‘The Coil’.

The Coil is 100% effective at preventing a pregnancy if it is fitted within 5 days of unprotected sex. Your GP or family planning clinician can give you more advice on having one fitted.