

Cystitis is a bladder infection which occurs in women, and is very common. The most common cause of cystitis is due to bacteria inside of the bladder, thus regarding it as a type of UTI (urinary tract infection).

Many cases of cystitis are related to sexual intercourse, in which it is not uncommon for bacteria to be transferred to a woman’s bladder during intercourse. Too frequent or unusually forceful sexual intercourse which can cause bruising can also lead to cystitis.

If you do not think you have Cystitis, or if you have never had it before, you must seek medical advice immediately before proceeding with any treatment options.


Treatment Options


The most common signs of cystitis are both a burning sensation during urination and an urgency to urinate. A woman may even feel the need to urinate when she does not need to. Other less common symptoms of cystitis are strong smelling urine, and cloudy or blood stained urine passing.


Cystitis is easily treatable in almost all cases, through the use of antibiotics. The antibiotic Trimethoprim, which is a prescription-only medicine, is used over a short course to cure the cystitis. A single 200mg is usually taken twice a day, over a period of 3 days, to treat cystitis.


Steps can be taken to prevent cystitis. Ensuring that one urinates after sexual intercourse can help to prevent cystitis, as bacteria inside the urethra can be flushed.

Toilet hygiene can also help prevent cystitis, due to the fact that a woman’s anus is close to the urethral opening.